i-PiS Pty Ltd

Intelligence Planning & Innovative Scheduling®

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Schedulers View

How "Total Float" being utilised effectively in Scheduling.

May 29, 2023

Total Float in Primavera, a widely used project management software, plays a crucial role in identifying the critical path and determining the flexibility available for non-critical activities within a project schedule. Total Float, also known as slack, represents the amount of time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the project's overall completion.


To understand and utilize Total Float effectively in Primavera, it is important to follow these steps:


1. Create a Project Schedule: Begin by creating a project schedule in Primavera, defining all the project activities, their durations, and their logical relationships (predecessors and successors).


2. Define Constraints and Deadlines: Set any project constraints and deadlines that may exist, as these can influence the calculation of Total Float.


3. Calculate the Schedule: Once the project schedule is defined, Primavera automatically calculates the schedule based on the provided information. It calculates the early start and early finish dates for each activity, representing the earliest possible dates an activity can start and finish.


4. Calculate Total Float: After the schedule calculation, Primavera determines the total float for each activity. Total Float is calculated by finding the difference between the early start date and the late start date (or early finish date and late finish date) of an activity.


5. Analyze Critical Path: The critical path is the sequence of activities that determine the project's overall duration. Activities on the critical path have zero total float, meaning any delay in these activities would directly impact the project's completion date. By identifying the activities with zero total float, the critical path can be determined.


6. Assess Non-Critical Activities: Activities that have a positive total float are considered non-critical and can be delayed without affecting the project's completion date. These activities offer flexibility, allowing project managers to allocate resources and focus on critical activities to ensure timely project delivery.


The benefits of utilizing Total Float in Primavera are significant:


1. Identifying the Critical Path: Total Float helps to quickly identify the critical path in a project schedule, which includes the activities that must be closely monitored and managed to ensure on-time project completion.


2. Managing Resources Efficiently: By understanding the total float for non-critical activities, project managers can prioritize critical activities and allocate resources effectively. This ensures that resources are utilized optimally and focused on the most critical tasks.


3. Analyzing Schedule Flexibility: Total Float provides insight into the flexibility available within the project schedule. Project managers can assess the impact of delays on non-critical activities and make informed decisions regarding schedule adjustments.


4. Timely Project Delivery: By proactively managing the critical path activities and utilizing the flexibility provided by non-critical activities, project managers can improve the chances of delivering the project on time.


In summary, Total Float in Primavera simplifies project scheduling by allowing project managers to quickly identify the critical path and determine the flexibility available for non-critical activities. This enables efficient resource allocation, effective schedule management, and timely project delivery. i-PiS Pty Ltd is a reliable scheduler choice that can leverage the benefits of Primavera's Total Float to streamline project scheduling processes.

LNG Development News

Taiwan, Likely Market For Papua LNG

April 03, 2023

TAIWAN is one of several possible markets proximal to Papua LNG, says Total Energies manag- ing director Jean-Marc Noiray.

Responding to questions from this paper, Mr Noiray said LNG is a big and growing part of Taiwan power mix (40 per cent already).

"CPC has well succeeded in diversifying sources of supply, including PNG,"Mr Noiray said.

"On demand, natural gas plays a key role in the energy transition: it ensures firm power to complement renewables and replaces coal in all sectors of final demand."

With Taiwan set to shut down its last nuclear power plant in 2025, its demand for energy is set to rise and leaves an opportunity for PNG to supply the market with its LNG.

The US$10 billion Papua LNG project, is the country's second largest LNG project next to the

PNG LNG project.

Since 2014 PNG LNG has reliably supplied LNG to four long-term major customers in the Asia region, including, China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Osaka Gas Company Limited (Japan), The Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc (Japan) and CPC Corporation (Taiwan) plus other customers.

And From ExxonMobil's perspective, Papua New Guinea is well positioned to continue to sup- port the growing regional demand, with Asia-Pacific countries set to be core natural gas cus- tomers for decades to come.

In addition to proximity, PNG has high quality resources and - through the PNG LNG Project - has demonstrated reliable supply enabled by strong partnerships between developers, gov- ernment and communities.

Such collaboration has resulted in PNG LNG building a reputation for excellence while posi- tioning Papua New Guinea as a significant player in the LNG market.  CTTO 👉🏼  ClickMe

Global News

Time like this, we need to be positive amidst COVID-19.

Like many businesses, we are adapting through the distinct and unparalleled climate created by COVID-19, which is further exacerbated by the fall in the price of oil to its lowest level in almost 20 years. As i-PiS Pty Ltd. we’re diversified and less exposed to the oil and gas sector. However, the reality is that both these factors are affecting our people and our business.  

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to escalate, compounded by the recent oil-price shock, we want to support you and manage our business through this period of uncertainty.  Throughout this time i-PiS Pty Ltd. remains operational and our priority is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our team, and those we work with, as we continue to deliver services to our customers.


In line with current guidance from the relevant local authorities, we are aiming for our people to successfully and effectively work from home where their role allows and it is agreed with i-PiS Pty Ltd. and our customers. Our support through the innovation of technology we at i-PiS Pty Ltd. can still cater our clients using virtual meetings, skype, email, phone calls, messenger, viber and or whatsapp.


If you need support on our organisation, do not hesitate to contact us by email as an introduction admin@i-pis.com

Construction News

Thousands of workers needed to boost WA recovery

The demand for skilled workers is set to increase in the Western Australian resources sector over the next 12 to 18 months, according to the Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME) of WA. 

An additional 8000 skilled workers will be needed in the state until the end of 2020 and into 2021 to underpin economic recovery, assuming current COVID-19-related restrictions remain in place until the end of the year. 

The preliminary forecast modelling by CME assumes the continuation of COVID-19 restrictions, including interstate travel, through to the end of the year.

As a result, CME foresees an increase in competition for key skills, such as traditional trades and experienced technicians, front line supervisors and maintainers, and safety and medical support services.

CME chief executive Paul Everingham said the WA resources sector had reaffirmed its commitment to employing locally, where possible, as it looked ahead to these identified additional skilling needs to underpin the post-COVID-19 economic recovery.

“In response to COVID-19, companies moved early and decisively to relocate thousands of their employees and contractors in critical roles to WA, with companies offering incentive packages to make the move permanent,” Everingham said.

“The skills migration to the West brought on by COVID-19 has been nothing short of phenomenal. The vast majority of WA’s interstate FIFO workforce of around 5,000 have made the move west, some individually, others with their families at very short notice prior to the state border closure in April.”

The WA resources sector is among the state’s major employers, with a workforce of  120,000. BHP has filled hundreds of new positions locally for the extra roles it advertised across its operations in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

“BHP recently welcomed 125 WA apprentices and trainees into its ranks as part of a new national training program that will help to bolster Australia’s skills base and create new career pathways into the mining sector,” Everingham said.  CTTO 👉🏼  ClickMe

Battleplan for Queensland Local Communities - LOCAL GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSE TO COVID-19.

Gladstone Regional Council has identified a list of projects it stands ready to deliver under the Local Government Association of Queensland’s $608 million Battleplan For Queensland Local Communities.

The plans have been developed in a bid to secure economic stimulus from the State Government to help communities through COVID-19. 

"Our Local Government Area is large and diverse, covering a wide range of sectors including industry, tourism and agriculture, and our proposed list of works encompasses all of these sectors in locations right across our region," Mayor Matt Burnett said. 

"Our region has a highly skilled workforce that is capable of undertaking a wide variety of projects over coming months." 

Shovel-ready projects in our region include: 

• $7.33 million for wastewater renewal programs; 

• $4 million for Stage 3 landfill cell development at Benaraby Landfill; 

• $3.9 million for rural bridge renewals; 

• $2 million expansion of demonstration gardens at Tondoon Botanic Gardens; 

• $2 million power and lighting upgrade at Tondoon Botanic Gardens; 

• $725,000 for re-tiling of Gladstone Aquatic Centre’s 50m and 25m pools. 

View the LGAQ Battleplan 👉🏼  ClickMe


The Government is seeking submissions from individuals, businesses and community groups on their views for priorities for the 2020-21 Budget. 

As a result of the Morrison Government’s disciplined budget management, the Budget is forecast to return to surplus in 2019-20. 

The 2020-21 Budget will continue with this discipline while also reflecting the Government’s plan for a stronger economy and securing a better future for all Australians. 

To ensure views can be incorporated into the budget process at an early stage, submissions are due by Friday, 20 December 2019. 

Further information on how to lodge submissions is available on the Treasury website.

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